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We In Recovery won Manthan - DEF award 2008 for India’s Best e–Content development under E-Health Category. The Manthan Award function was held on 19 october 2008, at New Delhi.
About We In Recovery
Recovery Network is meant to be a platform for those who are in the process of recovery. Together is not restricted to recovering addicts. It has useful information for all those who want to know more about addiction and for the professionals working in drug abuse prevention. It is meant to help people in recovery become productive members of society and to reclaim their rightful place in society. The effort is aimed at addressing a gap in the whole recovery of the person and to enable successfully recovering people to help their fellow recovering addicts. We in Recovery is a kind of online social network where one could find ways and means to understand how recovery happens and how to integrate with normal society. read more…

About The Manthan - DEF Award
Manthan Award is a first of its kind initiative in India to recognize the best practices in e-Content and Creativity. It ( was launched on 10th October 2004, by Digital Empowerment Foundation in partnership with World Summit Award and American India Foundation. The Manthan Award is an Indian initiative by Digital Empowerment Foundation, India as the national initiative of World Summit Award, to select and promote the best practices in e–Content and Creativity in India. It involves representatives from each state and union territory of India and visualizes the bridging of digital divide and narrowing of the content gap as its overall goal.

Digital Empowerment Foundation, a Delhi based not-for-profit organization was registered on December 2002, under the "Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860" to find solutions to bridge the digital divide. With no political affiliations, it was founded by Osama Manzar to uplift the downtrodden and to create economic and commercial viability using Information Communication and Technology as means. It was actively started in the year 2003 after the founder director left his software company to seriously pursue the aims and objectives of Digital Empowerment Foundation.