Daily Reflection - 26 January 2009
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There is action and more action. “Faith without works is dead.”… To be helpful is our only aim.
Alcoholics Anonymous
I understand that service is a vital part of recovery but I often wonder, “What can I do?” Simply start with what I have today! I look around to see where there is a need. Are the ashtrays full? Do I have hands and feet to empty them? Suddenly I’m involved! The best speaker may make the worst coffee; the member who’s best with newcomers may be unable to read; the one willing to clean up may make a mess of the bank account – yet every one of these people and jobs is essential to an active group. The miracle of service is this: When I use what I have, I find there is more available to me than I realized before.
Twenty–Four Hours A Day
A.A. Thought For The Day
Alcoholics who are living in a blind alley refuse to be really honest with themselves or with other people. They’re running away from life and won’t face things as they are. They won’t give up their resentments. They’re too sensitive and too easily hurt. They refuse to try to be unselfish. They still want everything for themselves. And no matter how many disastrous experiences they have had with drinking, they still do it over and over again. There’s only one way to get out of that blind alley way of living and that’s to change your thinking. Have I changed my thinking?
Meditation For The Day
I know that the vision and power that I receive from God are limitless, as far as spiritual things are concerned. But in temporal and material things, I must submit to limitations. I know that I cannot see the road ahead. I must go just one step at a time, because God does not grant me a longer view. I am in uncharted waters, limited by my temporal and spatial life, but unlimited in my spiritual life.
Prayer For The Day
I pray that, in spite of my material limitations, I may follow God’s way. I pray that I may learn that trying to do His will is perfect freedom.
Walk In Dry Places
No Hidden Thoughts – Moral Inventory
It is fortunate that we can think in secret, because our thoughts would quickly get us in trouble if others could read them. In our thoughts, we can choose what we wish to reveal to others before we speak or act. In the long run, however, we do not really conceal our true thoughts and feelings. The nature of our thoughts shapes our character and becomes part of us. It even affects our appearance. It is not difficult at all to identify people who are fearful, angry, or jealous.
This process has its good side, because kind thoughts and feelings also affect our appearance, and in positive ways. Norman V. Peale wrote that “God runs a beauty parlour,” meaning that plain people with gracious thoughts tend to become more attractive as years wear on.
We need not fear our own thoughts and feelings if we are continuing to work the program. As the sober years stretch out, we will be improving our thoughts and feelings, and this will tell others what the program is doing for us and through us.
I’ll remember today that I don’t really keep my thoughts and feelings secret. I will think well of myself and all others. I know that there are no hidden thoughts in the long run.
Keep It Simple
Few people can be happy unless they hate some other person, nation, or creed. – Bertand Russell
In recovery learn to give up hate. We must stand for justice, not for hate. We must learn to respect people. They, in turn, will respect us in most cases. We begin to see how important it is to give up hate – if we want others to care for us. Hate is often our secret. Hate is found deep in our hearts and minds. It eats at our souls. It hurts our spiritual growth. Sometimes people are public about their hate. There are even dangerous groups based on hate. But, the most dangerous hate is the private and unspoken. Do I have public hates? Do I have secret hates?
Prayer for the Day: Higher Power, search my hearts and show me any hates I have. Help me rid myself of them.
Action for the Day: I’ll list any people, nations, to creeds I hate. I’ll pray to have this hate removed. I’ll pray for these people, nations, or creeds.
Allowing an unimportant mistake to pass without comment is a wonderful social grace. – Judith Martin
“One never knows what each day is going to bring. The important thing is to be open and ready for it.” – Henry Moore
“You cannot plan the future by the past.” – Edmund Burke
Slow down to relish the wonder of God’s creation. – Glen Childress
God makes possible what we cannot accomplish alone. – Gary Shank
Faith in God changes our manner of living. – Chester L Schneider
God’s reassuring, caring love is with us moment by moment. – Walter N. Maris
Father Leo’s Daily Meditation
“Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity; they seem more afraid of life than death.” – James Byrnes
Today I am aware of the opportunities that I did not recognize when I was drinking. Drinking stopped me from seeing the life that was before me. I drank myself away from the daily miracle. I missed the sunsets, the fun of relationships, the joy of the theatre and the satisfaction of being “aware”.
In the business world I did not see the opportunity for profit and expansion; I did not create or have faith in my ideas, and I was not able to understand or absorb the new information to be successful in my life. Alcoholism kept me on the outside of my life.
Today I am alive in my life, creating, expanding and enjoying my leisure. With sobriety I have the opportunity to experience God in the many aspects of life.
Teach me to find You in the risks of life.
Daily Inspiration
If you can’t see more blessings than you can count, you aren’t looking hard enough. Thank you, Lord, for all of my blessings and especially those that I don’t recognize or take for granted.
Be joyful in whatever you do today because you have been blessed, are being blessed and have many more blessings waiting for you. Lord, I am so grateful for Your love.