Counseling for Addiction
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During counseling, the counselor establishes a warm, supportive, therapeutic relationship with the client using a variety of skills. Based on the strength of this relationship, the counselor helps the client explore problem areas, set goals and assists the client to work through problems in order to establish a more meaningful and productive life style. During addiction treatment, individual counseling aims at enabling the client to learn how to identify and pursue realistic and satisfying solutions to his/her problems, particularly those related to his/her chemical abuse. In order to make individual counseling effective, the counselor has to understand the client as an individual – the influences which have affected him/her, his/her perception of himself and others around him/her – so that he/she can help the client realize how those forces have led to unhealthy ways of coping both prior and after onset of addiction. This understanding at the level of feelings rather than at the intellectual level will enable him/her to cope with life more satisfactorily. The purpose is to help the client in making decisions about his/her life and enable him/her to understand the need to take responsibility for his actions as well as the consequences.