Recovery Testimonies
Santosh's Recovery Testimony
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Childhood was pretty normal, I was the apple of my dad, equation with mom was also great, the same with two elder sisters. Academically I was average, good in sports, I passed out my S.S.C with distinction.
College was no different, but the girls were very interesting, I had a good height & fair complexion, soon I became the center of attraction. I made quiet a few friends totally addiction free. Life was being very kind to me I said to myself. Pretty soon I indulged in affairs, flings one night stand’s two-timing it was an amazing phase of my life I was labelled a Casanova. At the same time exams were no problems, I used to pass out with first class I had no difficulties whatsoever in handling my activities. Gradually I finished my B.Com with distinction in first attempt.
Suddenly there was a twist in my life, I got seriously involved with a girl, beautiful, understanding, caring I was totally engulfed by her. Our relation lasted for 2 yrs we had to call quits.I was not ready for marriage yet, I told her very clearly from the beginning, that until I complete my C.A & settle down, marriage has to wait. Our families were aware of it, not able to handle the nasty remarks, flaks, gossip of the so called society, her conservative parents pressurized her to end the relationship. I was in a state of trance, not knowing what hit me, it affected my entrance exam I failed miserably, couldn’t concentrate, lost interest in other activities as well. Everyday I sat down with my dad & discussed of no avail. At this juncture the chemistry with my dad was on another level we could talk about anything under the sun.
Slowly I regrouped myself started focusing on my studies. Memories don’t die easily, I tasted my first peg of Vodka after C.A it was an exhilarating feeling. Consumption was restricted to one or two pegs in ten days, for a period of 1yr it went on. I passed out my C.A with first class & joined my dad’s firm as an apprentice.
After a period of 6mths I started on my own. Addiction increased to a extent that my consumption level increased due to my business parties, I did not let it affect my work. During this period I developed pancreatis but did not cut down my drinking, meanwhile my mom started nagging my dad everyday, fed up my dad called up his friend who knew a renowned Psychiatrist in Pune, having fixed up an appointment I went to him along with my dad. He prescribed some tablets for a period of 3mths. Drinking did not take a backseat, life was totally confusing.
All doors seemed closed but a ray of light is there, so felt my dad. I was admitted in Muktangan deaddiction center there I used to get discharged, stay sober for 3-4mths & again get admitted. This cycle took place 4 times in 1yr, I used to feel ashamed of myself. Lady luck smiled on me again after my 5th admission, I realized that now I am on the right track with the help of my counselor, my dad & a very dear friend of mine who incidentally met me in Muktangan.
I owe a lot to this institute for my sober life, helping me get back my lost identity & to a extent dignity. Tension in the house has reduced dramatically, but my mom & sister are not satisfied. They constantly taunt me, tone is very sarcastic, don’t waste an opportunity to run me down. I have not let it affect me, They wan’t to cut my wings financially as well, thanks to my dad I have retained my sanity, I have no complaints. The road to recovery & sobriety has taught me to stay calm, patient & retain my senses to remain Sober. It is possible mates do not worry.
Take care.
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