Hallucinogens are drugs which dramatically affects perception, emotions and mental processes.
As they distort the perception of the objective reality and produce hallucinations, these are known as hallucinogens. Hallucinogens are also referred to as ‘Psychedelic’ (Mild altering) drugs
The common hallucinogens are
- LSD (Lysergic acid Di ethylamide)
- PCP (Phencyclidine)
- Mescalime
LSD (Lysergic acid Di ethylamide)
LSD is a semi synthetic drug and the most powerful hallucinogen. It is produced from lysergic acid. LSD is white odorless, crystalline material, which is soluble in water.
Route of administration
- It is easily absorbed orally and usually taken in the form of tablets.
- LSD blotter paper are also common.
PCP (Phencyclidine)
PCP is commonly called angel’s dust. PCP in its purest form is a white crystalline powder, which easily dissolve in water.
Route of administration
It is snorted, smoked, eaten and rarely taken intravenously.
Short term effects of hallucinogen
The main effects include
- Alteration of moods – usually euphoric but some time severely depressive.
- Distortion of the sense of direction, distance and time.
- Intensification of sense of visions
- ‘Psuedo’ hallucinations
- Synesthesia (User may feel that he can see music and can hear colors)
- Feeling of depersonalisation, loss of body image and loss of sense of reality (user may feel that his body is shrinking or becoming weightless)
- Sense of past, present and future may be jumbled
- Vague idea and extreme pre occupation with philosophical issues are common.
Long term effect of hallucinogen
Amotivational syndrome– the user becomes very apathetic, is very passive and shows no interest in life.
LSD Precipitated psychosis– acute panic reaction which can occur may lead the user into a stage of drug induced psychosis.
The psychotic episode normally lasts for several hours but in some cases it may last for years.
- Cannabis drugs are made from Indian Hemp Plant–Canabis Sativa
- Cannabis drugs do not have any medical drug use. More than 60 constituents, known as Cannabinoids, occur naturaly in Cannabis plant.
- Chief Psycho active substance delta–9–tetra hydrocannabinol (THS).
Main drugs under this category
- Ganja/Marijuana–Prepared from dried leaves and flowering tops of the plant.
- Hashish/Charas– THC 5 to 15%.
- Hashish Oil– THC 20 to 60%.
- Bhang–Dried parts of the plants leaves and stem.
- Route of administration–Smook.
Short term Effects
- Dreamy state of relaxation.
- Lower inhibitions.
- Increase auditory and visual acuity.
- Sence of smell and test are often enhance.
- Altered sense of time perception.
- Impaired short term memory.
- Impaired ability to perform complex motor task.
Long Term Effects
- Pronounce Psychological dependence.
- Psychosis–Typical acute psychotic episodes– Confusion, Delusion, Hallucinations, Disorientation etc.
- Bronchitis, Asthma, Sinusitis or chronic redness of the eyes.
- Sterility: reduced sperm count & decreased sperm morality.
- Reduces immunity.