31 May 2010
By Prasaad Joshi
Pune, India

A sharp rise in the cases of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation or in some cases even infertility, collectively named as ‘an attack on penis,’ is being noticed in patients between 25-50 years of age due to the tobacco addictions.
“Males addicted to tobacco products suffer from ‘penis attack,’ which is akin to heart attack,” clinical sexologist, Dr Shashank Samak told Sakàl Times.
Elaborating the issue further, Dr Samak said that the male sexual organ suffers the first adverse impact of tobacco addictions.
Nicotine gradually causes constriction of arteries that supplies blood to penis.
As the percentage of erection of penis is directly proportional to the circulation of blood in it, this male organ becomes less erect and less rigid due to the reduced blood flow through constricted arteries.
Dr Kalyan Gangwal, who has been running anti-tobacco mission for last over 30 years, said that population from the age group of 25-50, which is considered as sexually active, has been falling prey to the ill-effects of tobacco addiction.
Referring to recent foreign studies done on monkeys to assess the effects of tobacco, Dr Gangwal said, “It is clinically proven fact that nicotine is spermicidal, that means it kills sperms. It affects badly on the semen quality of males, which in turn can cause infertility or total impotency.”
Samak said that tobacco addiction, especially that of Gutkha definitely results into low sperm count in semen of a male.
“The drop in a sperm count below certain level can induce infertility in males. It is seen among the tobacco addicts who have a long-time addiction of a severe nature. Male’s natural ability to satisfy sexual needs of his partner also shows decline due to tobacco addictions. This sometimes even leads to break-up in their relationships,” Samak added.
Some Steps to Help Quit Tobacco Addiction
Exercise: A brisk walk, a swim or a bike ride will help by physically removing you from your temptation. Exercising causes the human body to produce endorphins, chemicals that can help a person to feel more peaceful and happy. It helps in relieving the stress that drives you to your habit of tobacco.
Focus on peace of mind: Turmoil and unrest cause you to revert to your bad habits. A sense of containment can silence that inner unrest. When you feel upset, think what went wrong and if you have committed a mistake try not to repeat it again. Repeating same error can lead to a lot of unrest and frustrations.
Practice positive self talk: High self-esteem enables you to see your potential instead your failures. Remind yourself of your talents and abilities. Stop putting yourself down. When you get up in the morning, say “I like myself just the way I am!”
Accept the fact that you are human and you may blow it occasionally: All people have setbacks as they try to break an addictive tobacco habit. But feeling of failure lead to guilt and discouragement, which in turn may drive you back to your habit for comfort. It's a vicious cycle, so don't get caught in it. Don't expect yourself to be perfect.
Develop your power of choice: Will power is the best tool to use when trying to break a habitual behaviour. It is the ability to say no to something you want and know you shouldn't have.
Develop an ‘I can’ philosophy: The ability to break your addictive habit is to a great extent dependent on your attitude. If you truly believe you can do it, you will be more likely to succeed.
Ask for divine power: Even though you may have the desire to quit, remember, the power to do so comes from outside to yourself. So, claim the promise, “I can do all things through God, who strengthens me.”
By — Dr Kalyan Gangwal, founder president of NGO Sarva Jeev Mangal Pratishthan, which has been running the anti-tobacco mission for last over three-decades.
The main artery that supplies blood to penis has a diameter almost 1/6th that of heart arteries and hence it is more prone towards getting constricted due to nicotine. This is why ‘penis attack’ could have early manifestations than heart attack.