Treating sickness through Yoga, sometimes with different ways like, change of diet, certain (asanas), Pranayam & all the time prayer, serves more as transformation than information.
Note: All of the Asanas, breathing & purification exercises mentioned below should strictly be done under the guidance of a qualified instructor.
Listed below are some Asanas – body – postures & their benefits.
- Shavasana:
It is a relaxation exercise. It reduces restlessness, balances nervous system overactivity & brings progressive muscle relaxation. - Arshmatsyendrasana & matsyendrasana:
These asanas help alleviate indigestion & loss of appetite. - Sarvangasana:
This asana is very beneficial in increasing considerably the strength of the brain & nerves.It is a rejuvenation exercise. - Shirshasana:
It sends a rich flow of refreshing blood to the brain, relaxing the mind & body & improving concentration, body metabolism & brain functioning. - Pranayama:
Derived from prana(Life Force) & ayama(Control), constitutes the yoga science of breath control.The reciprocal relationship between emotions & breathing is well– established. - Nadi–shodhana:
Helps concentration by increasing amino–acid levels in the brain, after prolonged regular use, results in reduction of blood pressure, as well as in emotional stability. - Bharmari:
It helps to relieve the tension of mind. - Bhastrika:
When practiced regularly, this exercise results in an increase in the oxygen/carbon dioxide ratio & a decrease in the presence of nor–adrenaline metabolites in the urine. - Kriyas(purification exercises) for eg: (neti & dhauti):
Help solve symptomatic conditions(watering of eyes & nose,insomnia) that ex–addicts have to live with for quite some time & help to restore the normal sleep cycle. - Kunjal:
Involves drinking & then vomiting salted lukewarm water.This helps in removing excessive gastric acid. - Nauli:
Removes the impurities in the lining of the intestines, apart from relieving some of the physical problems of an ex– addict, it imparts a sense of cleanliness.
It is a quite time in a noisy world. It is a chance to talk with our Higher Power & to listen for answers to our questions. It’s a time of Healing. You have to learn how your addiction functions. Meditation helps you to discover yourself. Through understanding you can find the creative choices that replace the addictive behaviour. Each new behaviour you develop through this exercise provides another way to move from destructive to a creative one.