- Organize young and adolescents in the vulnerable areas to keep their community free from abuse and illicit trafficking of drugs and tobacco.
- Facilitate community mobilization to combat abuse and illicit trafficking of drugs and tobacco.
- Increase social awareness about the consequences of HIV/AIDS.
- Organize Centre & community-based treatment and rehabilitation centers for the recovered addicts.
- Enhance capacity of the youth groups to undertake activities for improvement of social environment (harmony and peace).
Major Activities
- Mapping of geographical areas and strategy planning.
- Organizing youths in to groups in selected vulnerable unions and locations.
- Organizing awareness raising campaign on drug abuse and trafficking, tobacco addiction and HIV/AIDS
- Mobilizing private sector for resource support.
- Development and dissemination of information and communication materials.
- Training for capacity development of community based organizations, youth groups, local government and law enforcing agency personnel.
- Orientation of local leaders.
- Situation analysis and documentation of lessons.
- Operating community based information hotline services for quick flow of information.
- Introducing community policing system.
- Liaison with local union perished and law enforcing agencies.
- Running treatment and rehabilitation centre for treatment, counseling and skill development of the addicts.
- Reintegration/rehabilitation of the recovered addicts.
- Advocacy with concerned departments, agencies and networks.
Training Courses
To carryout the awareness activities against drug, tobacco and HIV/AIDS effectively, the local level Branch Committee members are trained on different aspects of the drug problem.
- Training Courses on Masters Trainers on Drug Abuse - Persons Trained: 360
- BCC Focused Basic Training on STI/HIV/AIDS - Persons Trained: 20
- Peer Education Training - Persons Trained: 120
- Peer Volunteer Training - Persons Trained: 1350
- Community Based Drug Demand Reduction & HIV/AIDS Prevention Training - Persons Trained: 36
- Workers Training - Person Trained: 3580
- Orientation Course of School College Student - Total Course:1256
- Community Leader Orientation Course - Total Course: 92