Ongoing Project on Drug and HIV/AIDS
Peer Lead Intervention project
Location: Jessore, Satkhira, Jhenidaha
Target Population: Drug Users
Supported by: United Nation office on Drug and Crime (UNODC) under G23 project
Peer Lead Intervention project
Location: Gazipur
Target Population: Drug Users
Supported by: United Nation office on Drug and Crime (UNODC) under H13 project
Integration of youth health concern in to non-formal education focus on sexual and reproductive health and prevention of substance abuse and HIV/AIDS in Asia.
Target Population: Youth
Location: Norshingdi
Supported by ESCAP, Bangkok
Sexual Health Programme among Adolescent Girls and Boys
Target Population: Adolescent boys, girls
Location: Benapole, Jessore
Supported by: DAM
Community level HIV/AIDS prevention through peer to peer approach for HIV/AIDS intervention
Target Population: Adolescent & Youth
Location: Jessore Paurasava, Jessore
Supported by: UNICEF
Prevention of HIV among injecting drug users through the provision of comprehensive drug treatment and sexual health services in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Target Population: Drug Users and their family.
Location: Dhaka
Supported by: Family Health International
Ahsania Mission Drug Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation Centre
Supported by: UNESCO- Paris
Capacity: 50 Beds
(The Centre with provision for expansion to 150 beds) Location: Gazipur (near National Park.)
- Community and youth participation are remarkable (Observation)
- Need to strengthen the local level groups and committees.
- Continuation of the master training is essential to involve the adolescent and youth.
- Continuation of awareness program for a specific target groups, especially in the institutions.
- Some of the youth groups have now been capable enough to start independent organizations on prevention of drug abuse and treatment centers.
DAM is a Member of several national and International Networks of Drug and HIV/AIDS
- Member of Board of Directors, International Council on Alcohol and Addiction (ICAA).
- Member, Global Partnership for Tobacco Control-GPTC
- Member, International Agency of Tobacco and Health-IATH
- Member, UICC, Globalink
- Executive Committee Member, Bangladesh Anti Tobacco Alliance(BATA).
- Member, National HIV/AIDS Network Committee
- Member, Voluntary Health Services Society (VHSS)
Upcoming Event
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
Date: 26 June 2005
Training of Trainer in drug abuse prevention.
Duration: 5 days
Date: 16 to 20 July, 2005
Drug addiction treatment centre & project management training
Duration: 14 days
Date: 16 to 30 July 2005
World AIDS Day
31 December 2005